Sound and music for pen and paper sessions.

New SoundTale Patch available. More Music, more Sounds, more options! New SoundTale Patch available. More Music, more Sounds, more options!

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Download it here All versions offer the free SoundTale receiver. Get SoundTale on Google Play button Get SoundTale on Windows button Get SoundTale on iOS button
Get SoundTale on Google Play button Get SoundTale on Windows button Get SoundTale on iOS button
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the windows application directly from our side.
This version does not update automatically and you cannot purchase an account.
music styles
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What is SoundTale?

Sound and Music for Pen&Paper Sessions

45 prepared sound environments 55 different music styles loads of advanced atmospheres loads of playable sounds

Available on Android, iOS and Windows

What is SoundTale?

Sound and Music for Pen&Paper Sessions

45 prepared sound environments 55 different music styles loads of advanced atmospheres loads of playable sounds

Available on Android and Windows

Sound Atmospheres

Your story takes place in a mystical cave, a bursting tavern or a dark forest? You can go there with SoundTale!

Most of our atmospheres can be played in day and night mode. You can use a slider to decide how crowded the environment is.

Sound Atmospheres

Your story takes place in a mystical cave, a bursting tavern or a dark forest? You can go there with SoundTale!

Most of our atmospheres can be played in day and night mode. You can use a slider to decide how crowded the environment is.

Music Styles

Need the fitting music for your story? You’re at the right place. Instead of choosing songs, in SoundTale you can choose diferent moods or styles of music, all composed exclusively for SoundTale.

Shit’s getting serious? Choose the style ‘tense’. A celestial being appears? Choose ‘holy’. It’s as simple as that to provide the fitting music for your story.

Music Styles

Need the fitting music for your story? You’re at the right place. Instead of choosing songs, in SoundTale you can choose diferent moods or styles of music, all composed exclusively for SoundTale.

Shit’s getting serious? Choose the style ‘tense’. A celestial being appears? Choose ‘holy’. It’s as simple as that to provide the fitting music for your story.

SoundTale Receiver

You’re playing online?

Via the SoundTale receiver, you as a DM can send sound and music to your players.

Great for creating the perfect mood in your online session - even the free version of the app has access to our receiver. Simply open a room and let your players join via a room number.

SoundTale Receiver

You’re playing online?

Via the SoundTale receiver, you as a DM can send sound and music to your players.

Great for creating the perfect mood in your online session - even the free version of the app has access to our receiver. Simply open a room and let your players join via a room number.

Frequently asked questions

We’ve collected all the questions that have come up over time. We hope you can find the answer you’re looking for right here.

About the app (4)

How does the music in SoundTale work?
In SoundTale, the music is not divided into songs - you can choose from over 20 different musical moods. The moods are called ‘calm’ or ‘creepy’ etc. Once you select a mood, a never ending flow of fitting music starts. We’ve composed a huge amount of short music parts that will be put together in many different combinations to avoid repetitiveness.
Can the app run in the background on Android?
The general answer to this is yes. There are some older phones that can have slight problems with it, though. If you experience a problem, the first thing to check would be the power saving options of your device. There, you can allow background activity for the app. As the exact settings are different on every phone model, you might need to play around with these a little and see which one works.

However, the SoundTale receiver on Android does not work properly in the background.

Sadly, on iOS the app doesn’t work in the background.
Can I load my own sounds into the app?
Not yet, but in the future we want to add this to the app. Please note that this is really not the main concept of the app – it’s meant to be an all in one package.
Can I use the app for my pen&paper stream or other pen&paper related content I produce?
In general, using it for pen&paper streams is possible. But there are a few requirements. Please write us a mail to – don’t worry, we’re happy to hear from you!

Do not use it without talking to us about it first.

Buying a SoundTale account (5)

How can I get a SoundTale account?
At the moment, you can get SoundTale accounts via the versions in the Google PlayStore, the iOS AppStore and the MicrosoftStore. The normal account works for the platform you bought it on, but you can upgrade it to include other platforms or choose a multiplatform account.
Why does SoundTale use an account system?
Using accounts for Soundtale makes it easier to access the app and your account no matter where you go – you simply need the free downloadable version of SoundTale. On top of that, you can save your in app settings online and load them on another device once you’re logged in.
Can I use SoundTale on multiple devices?
Yes, you can use your account on all of your own compatible devices. Please note that, like with most account systems, only one device can be logged in at a time.
Do I need to be online all the time?
No, you don’t. You know why? Because it would suck. We’ve made it possible to play offline for some time before you’re asked to log in again.
We want to play online. Do my players need to purchase an account to use the SoundTale receiver? And where can they find the receiver?
No, they don’t. The DM needs an account, the others can join you without. The receiver is built into the app which can be downloaded for free.

Problems with SoundTale (3)

The app sounds stuttering - what can I do?
Some phones have a problem with the app’s samplerate. Try clicking the ’44.1’ button at the bottom of the setting menu and the receiver page.
My players can’t connect to my room in the receiver.
Make sure that you’re all using the same version of SoundTale. The app version can be seen in the left corner of the main menu.
I can’t hear the music.
First, check the mute buttons on your device (iPhones do have one, for example) and the volume sliders in the settings menu. Next, make sure not too many apps are open while using SoundTale. As there’s a lot of music and sounds in there, the app needs to load a lot of data into the RAM. If that doesn’t work, restart the app or the phone. If you still experience problems, you can unload some music styles you don’t need in your session by holding down on the music style buttons in the music menu. This can help your phone managing all the data.
The app does not work in the background on Android.
If you experience a problem, the first thing to check would be the power saving options of your device. There, you can allow background activity for the app. As the exact settings are different on every phone model, you might need to play around with these a little and see which one works.
When installing, my PC tells me SoundTale could be a threat to the system.
We know about this problem but it keeps appearing on some systems.
I think I have noticed a major bug. Where can I report it?
You can write us at – we’re thankful for your bug reports! For Android: Please send us the name of your phone or tablet model and your android version, too.

About us

Hey, we're Theresa, Darius and Ansgar.
We're the roleplayers who've come up with the idea of SoundTale. We're students and friends from Germany and have started SoundTale as a small project of heart.
It's still a project of heart, but has become bigger and bigger over time.

Darius and Theresa work on music, sound & graphics, while Ansgar is more on the programming side. Together we've created an application we truly love and use ourselves in our roleplaying sessions.

About us

Hey, we're Theresa, Darius and Ansgar.
We're the roleplayers who've come up with the idea of SoundTale. We're students and friends from Germany and have started SoundTale as a small project of heart.
It's still a project of heart, but has become bigger and bigger over time.

Darius and Theresa work on music, sound & graphics, while Ansgar is more on the programming side. Together we've created an application we truly love and use ourselves in our roleplaying sessions.



If you have any questions or want to share your ideas, you can either contact us via e-mail or our discord server. There, you can also connect to others who are already part of the SoundTale community. Either way, we’re happy to hear from you!



If you have any questions or want to share your ideas, you can either contact us via e-mail or our discord server. There, you can also connect to others who are already part of the SoundTale community. Either way, we’re happy to hear from you!